السلام عليكم ... رمضان مبارك أعاده الله علينا جميعا بالخير و البركات ..
نحن الان بصدد جمع قصص اللغة العربية التي استعارها الطالب من مكتبة المدرسة ، و حتى الان هناك مجموعة من التلاميذ لم يعيدوا القصة التي تم استعارتها رغم الحاحنا عليهم بذلك ، فالرجاء ضرورة متابعة الطالب لاعادة القصة الى المدرسة في الغد
للضرورة ،
و جزاكم الله خيرا .
مدرسة اللغة العربية
Monday, 12 June 2017
Thursday, 1 June 2017
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Monday, 29 May 2017
Spelling List
Due Thursday, June 01, 2017
motion, transformation, translation, rotation, reflection, conclusion, measurement, experiment observation, estimate
motion, transformation, translation, rotation, reflection, conclusion, measurement, experiment observation, estimate
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Friday, 12 May 2017
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Monday, 8 May 2017
Math workbook page 90 and page 91 (for those who did not finish it yet) due tomorrow.
Language booklet "A Stacation" due Monday, May 15, 2017.
Prodigy Letter was sent home today.
Math workbook page 90 and page 91 (for those who did not finish it yet) due tomorrow.
Language booklet "A Stacation" due Monday, May 15, 2017.
Prodigy Letter was sent home today.
Friday, 5 May 2017
Math Homework
Complete the "Perimeter and Area" booklet
EQAO booklet: p. 28+40+52
Memorize the multiplication tables: 2 and 3
EQAO booklet: p. 28+40+52
Memorize the multiplication tables: 2 and 3
Thursday, 4 May 2017
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Friday, 28 April 2017
Math workbook p. 63+91 due Monday, May 01, 2017
Math Test: Thursday, May 04, 2017:
Review Math textbook p. 191+270
Math workbook p. 63+91 due Monday, May 01, 2017
Math Test: Thursday, May 04, 2017:
Review Math textbook p. 191+270
Spelling List
due Friday, May 05, 2017
action, against, attention, breakfast, building, beyond, community, course, caught, country, distance, different, direction, doesn't, decide, dust, enough, excuse, except, experiment.
action, against, attention, breakfast, building, beyond, community, course, caught, country, distance, different, direction, doesn't, decide, dust, enough, excuse, except, experiment.
Friday, 21 April 2017
Math workbook page 73 due Monday, April 24, 2017.
Review Multiplication tables 0 to 5
Language booklet "Grey Squirrels" due Friday, April 28, 2017.
Math workbook page 73 due Monday, April 24, 2017.
Review Multiplication tables 0 to 5
Language booklet "Grey Squirrels" due Friday, April 28, 2017.
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Monday, 10 April 2017
Quran's update
We finished surah An-Naba' mashaa Allah all students did a good job!!!
Inshaa Allah we will start with surah Al-Mursalat inshaa Allah.
We finished surah An-Naba' mashaa Allah all students did a good job!!!
Inshaa Allah we will start with surah Al-Mursalat inshaa Allah.
Ibtissam Chehade,
Quran Teacher
Quran Teacher
Friday, 7 April 2017
Math workbook: page 85
Multiplication table: 0, 1, 2, and 10
Language booklet given last Monday is due Thursday, April 13, 2017.
Math workbook: page 85
Multiplication table: 0, 1, 2, and 10
Language booklet given last Monday is due Thursday, April 13, 2017.
السلام عليكم:
انتهينا من جميع الانشطة الصفية المتعددة لدرس ضحى مريضة – و لقصيدة الشتاء ، كما انتهينا من الانشطة
الخاصة بموضوع" التعاون" و ضرورة أهميته في التقدم و النجاح ، و نحن الان
بصدد موضوع ( الاسلام علمني) والذي نحرص
من خلاله تقوية صلة الطالب بربه .
نشكر لكم متابعتكم في عمل الواجبات المنزلية ، وننصح بضرورة الحرص على الاهتمام بواجب القراءة بصوت مرتفع
عدة مرات مع التشجيع ، و أيضا بمتابعة
التلميذ في قراءة القصة المستعارة من مكتبة المدرسة، و ملء الجدول الخاص بذلك .
وجزاكم الله خيرا.
يمكن التواصل مع المدرسة ، من خلال الايميل :
Salam Beseiso
Monday, 3 April 2017
Toonie Tuesday: April 4th
Tuesday April 4th is TOONIE TUESDAY!!
Student can dress in non uniform clothes and bring $2.
Please note that all clothes must adhere to the school dress code policy.
Math workbook p. 58+61+62 due tomorrow.
Spelling list for Friday, April, 7th:
Year, Month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Spelling list for Friday, April, 7th:
Year, Month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Math: 2-D Geometry
For the next two weeks, your child will be learning about 2-D shapes. The goals will be for your child to use shapes to make other shapes, to identify shapes that are congruent (the same size and shape), and to recognize symmetry in shapes. These skills will help your child to understand that many shapes are related to one another and that shapes can be sorted and given the same name, such as a set of parallelograms or a set of triangles. Your child should begin to notice interesting geometric designs in his or her world. You might talk to your child about how these designs have been created. At the end of the chapter, your child will be using knowledge of shapes to create geometric designs.
For the next two weeks, your child will be learning about 2-D shapes. The goals will be for your child to use shapes to make other shapes, to identify shapes that are congruent (the same size and shape), and to recognize symmetry in shapes. These skills will help your child to understand that many shapes are related to one another and that shapes can be sorted and given the same name, such as a set of parallelograms or a set of triangles. Your child should begin to notice interesting geometric designs in his or her world. You might talk to your child about how these designs have been created. At the end of the chapter, your child will be using knowledge of shapes to create geometric designs.
Monday, 27 March 2017
Test on surah An-Naba' on Thursday March-30-2017 inshaa Allah.
Wa jazakom Allah khairan
Ibtissam Chehade,
Quran Teacher
Quran Teacher
Friday, 24 March 2017
Spelling List
Spelling List due next Friday, March 31.
done, other, always, never, school, learn, favorite, again, day, week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
done, other, always, never, school, learn, favorite, again, day, week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Monday, 20 March 2017
Friday, 3 March 2017
Math Test
Students will be having a Math Test next Friday, March 10, 2017 InshaAllah.
Please Review Chapter 5 "Measuring Length, Time, and Temperature"; lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10.
A Math Review booklet was sent home today.
Students will be having a Math Test next Friday, March 10, 2017 InshaAllah.
Please Review Chapter 5 "Measuring Length, Time, and Temperature"; lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10.
A Math Review booklet was sent home today.
Friday, 10 February 2017
Math worksheet due Monday, February 13, 2017.
Writing worksheet due Tuesday, February 14, 2017.
Math worksheet due Monday, February 13, 2017.
Writing worksheet due Tuesday, February 14, 2017.
Help us make a difference and send Ethiopian kids to school
As-salamu Alaikum Dear Parents,
We recently learned that there are over 1.7 million children who don’t go to school in Ethiopia, and we decided to do something about and practice our monthly character trait “make a difference”.

Help us raise money to build schools for those kids by donating the food items in the attached table (divided by class). Please send your contribution on the specified date and hand it to your homeroom teacher. All students are asked to bring money to purchase any of that food on Tuesday and Thursday (Feb 14 & 16) during lunch time.
All proceeds will go towards “community Driven Education” campaign though imagine1day, a Canadian charitable organization that does awesome work for the Ethiopian community.
Why did we choose Ethiopia?
· Most of our Abraar students are currently learning about the seerah of Prophet Mohammed, peace & blessings upon him, and they are learning about the first Muslim migration to Ethiopia (Abyssinia back then). They learned about how this country received Muslims with generosity and open hearts. We'd like to reconnect with this heritage and show gratitude to that region by 'making a difference' in their lives.
· A few of our classes are also learning about Africa and the Muslim population there, so we feel this is a good opportunity to extend their learning and help them participate in a current cause at that geographical area.
We also accept monetary donations in cash or cheques. Grade 3's will be designing donation boxes that will be present in the hallways throughout Feb 21st- 24th.
Food Item
Tuesday, Feb 14
Grade 3
Grade 4
Chicken nuggets (2 in a small bag). Cooking instructions & Zabiha requirement will be communicated to you by homeroom teacher shortly
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Grade 5
Ready-made lemonade + cups
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Grade 6
Popcorn in small bags
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Thursday, Feb 16
Ready-made lemonade + cups
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Grade 1
Popcorn in small bags
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Grade 2
Chicken nuggets (2 in a small bag). Cooking instructions & Zabiha requirement will be communicated to you by homeroom teacher shortly
Jazakum Allah khair for helping us make a difference!
Monday, 6 February 2017
Class Updates
Over the next three weeks, students
will be learning how to measure length, time, and temperature. They will
estimate and compare lengths in centimeters and meters, and they will learn how
long a kilometer is. They will also estimate, measure and compare perimeters.
They will tell time on digital and analog clocks and read thermometers.
Throughout this time, you can
support your child’s learning by doing some activities such as:
- · Your child can determine his or her age and the ages of family members in years, months, and days.
- · Your child can determine the number of weeks and days between family birthdays or other special days throughout the year.
- · Your child can estimate and measure various lengths (for example, the height of the refrigerator or another appliance, the perimeter of your living room, or the distance from your house to the street).
- · You and your child could use an outdoor thermometer to read the daily temperature and record the information on a chart.
have been working on different reading strategies: Check
for Understanding, Back
up and Reread, Recognize Literary Elements, Retell
the Story, Predict and Confirm, Visualize, Ask Questions while Reading, Use Text
Features, Use Main Idea and Supporting
Details, and Making
Connections/Using Prior Knowledge.
Over the next few
weeks we will be working on a new reading strategy “Infer and Support with
Authors don’t
always tell the reader everything they want them to know about the story. In
order to better comprehend, children must learn to be detectives and look for
clues in the text to understand the meaning of the story.
You can support
your child’s with this strategy by:
your child read a wordless picture book. Using the pictures to tell stories
helps with the inferring process.
reading with your child, ask some of the following questions:
you explain why the character acted this way?
do you think the author might feel about (the character)?
about the setting…what details can you add?
out explanations for the events.
clues and you find in the pictures?
can you assume the author is saying or feeling without having it actually
written down? You make these assumptions using your background knowledge, clues
from the story and pictures.
your child that a book detective goes slowly, looks for clues, and uses those
clues to support his/her thinking.
Our class is beginning a new science
unit called Forces Causing Movement. In this unit, students examine force as a
push or a pull that can cause movement or change movement – by making objects
speed up, slow down, or change directions. Students explore forces in nature,
such as high winds and water, and their impact on humans and the environment.
They also explore how magnetic and gravitational forces affect objects and
Here are some ways that you can
support your child’s learning during this unit:
- · Go for a walk in the neighborhood or a park to observe examples of forces (people walking, running, or riding bicycles; people pulling or pushing shovels).
- · Talk about forces you use every day in your work (pushing and pulling).
- · Visit the library or look on the internet for books and sites on gravity and magnetism.
- · Read and discuss with your child articles in newspapers and magazines that show the effects of the action of forces in nature, such as hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, erosion, and landslides.
- · Conduct simple experiments using magnets.
Social Studies
Our class is beginning a new strand called People and Environments: Living and Working in
Ontario. Students will learn about the physical and municipal regions of
Ontario. They will explore the relationship between the natural environment,
land use, and employment opportunities, and how different uses of land and
resources affect the environment.
Here are some ways that you can
support your child’s learning during this unit:
- · Talk about your own experiences living and visiting different communities.
- · Notice things that will help your child describe the community we live in, such as the types of housing, transportation, and businesses.
- · Talk about things in everyday life that come from cities and rural areas, such as manufactured goods and agricultural products.
- · Talk about what type of community might be established in an area that is heavily forested.
- · Talk about the type of community; towns and cities located near lakes and rivers.
- · Talk about the type of jobs that are dependent on the seasons and that are connected to forests, lakes, and rivers.
- · Talk about the responsibilities of a municipality.
Islamic Studies
Our class is beginning a new unit The Seerah: Prophet Muhammad in Makkah. The following topics will be covered:
- Muhammad becomes a prophet
- Muhammad teaches his family and friends
- Early Muslims suffer
- Prophet Muhammad was strong and patient
- The boycott against Muslims
- The faithful wife: Khadeejah Bintu Khuwaylid
Friday, 3 February 2017
Quran competition
Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
Dear Parent/Guardian(s),
I pray you are doing well. Inshaa Allah we will start first round of Quran competition from Feb 13 to 16. Please make sure all participants are ready for the test.
Jazakum Allah Khairan
Ibtissam Chehade,
Quran Teacher
Quran Teacher
Thursday, 2 February 2017
1- Language booklet due Monday, Feb. 06, 2017
2- Spelling list for next Tuesday, Feb 07, 2017:
popcorn, cookout, sailboat, seashell, barefoot, birthday, moonlight, airplane, sandcastle, everything, hallway, sidewalk, farmhouse, hillside, inside, springtime, driveway, cornfield, downstairs, horseback
1- Language booklet due Monday, Feb. 06, 2017
2- Spelling list for next Tuesday, Feb 07, 2017:
popcorn, cookout, sailboat, seashell, barefoot, birthday, moonlight, airplane, sandcastle, everything, hallway, sidewalk, farmhouse, hillside, inside, springtime, driveway, cornfield, downstairs, horseback
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Arabic letter
اللغة العربية – الصف الثالث الابتدائي
السلام عليكم:
انتهينا بحمد الله ومن درس ملح وسكر و المتجر أيضا ، حيث تعرف الطالب على:
مفردات وتراكيب لغوية جديدة، وتوظيفها في جمل صحيحة ، تكوين كلمات من
حروف متفرقة ، ترتيب فقرة من عدة جمل ، التعبير بجمل صحيحة بمساعدة الصورة ، الاسم
(المذكر والمؤنث) ، تكملة الجمل بالكلمات الصحيحة ، التمييز بين حرفي الصاد و السين وحرفي
الحا و الها ، المدود ( الالف – الواو – الياء ) ، التمييز بين أسماء الاشارة ( هذا- ذاك – هذه – تلك) و توظيفها في جمل صحيحة ،
التدريب على الكتابة و حسن الخط ، بالاضافة الى القراءة الصحيحة للمفردات و
المقاطع والجمل ، والاجابة على أسئلة
الكتابة و حسن الخط.
أود الاشارة الى
أنه منذ بداية الفصل الدراسي الثاني،
استعار كل تلميذ قصة باللغة العربية من مكتبة المدرسة ، فالرجاء متابعته في الاجتهاد على القراءة و الفهم للقصة
، و بامكان الطالب تبديل القصة، بعد
قراءتها عدة مرات و فهمها
ومن المستحب من ولي الامر مشاركة الطالب القراءة
والمناقشة حولها ، لمساعدته على الفهم ، ويكفي من الطالب قراءة بعض كلمات أو جمل أو فقرات منها فقط ، بما يشجعه على الاقبال على القراءة ، مع ضرورة
تسجيل مدة القراءة في كل مرة ، على الجدول المرفق داخل الكيس مع القصة،
حتى يتسنى لنا مكافأته على القراءة .
نشكر لكم حسن متابعتكم لتلاميذنا الأعزاء في عمل الواجبات المنزلية ....
و يمكنكم التواصل معي عبرالايميل التالي:
وجزاكم الله خيرا
... المدرسة / سلام.
وجزاكم الله خيرا
Friday, 27 January 2017
Monday, 23 January 2017
Math Test
3B students will be having a math test this Friday, Jan. 27, 2017
Please review the "Mixed math" booklet that was sent out with the kids last Friday.
3B students will be having a math test this Friday, Jan. 27, 2017
Please review the "Mixed math" booklet that was sent out with the kids last Friday.
Friday, 20 January 2017
Math workbook p: 25 and 26 due Monday Jan. 23, 2017
Spelling list due Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017:
reach, raise, theme, scream, easy, battery, fuel, iron, solve, science
Writing Worksheet due Wed. Jan 25, 2017
Math workbook p: 25 and 26 due Monday Jan. 23, 2017
Spelling list due Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017:
reach, raise, theme, scream, easy, battery, fuel, iron, solve, science
Writing Worksheet due Wed. Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
Friday, 13 January 2017
Math booklet due Friday, January 20, 2017
Language booklet due Monday, January 23, 2017.
Math booklet due Friday, January 20, 2017
Language booklet due Monday, January 23, 2017.
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Monday, 9 January 2017
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