Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Library Reminder!!!!!

Assalamu Alaikum

It just seems like yesterday when we were all getting ready to greet the students on the first day of school. Now, June is just around the corner. Time has flown by, subhanAllah!

Please take note that the school library will be closing its student services starting Monday, June 2, 2014. For this reason, we would ask that all the students bring back their library book(s) no later than Friday, May 30, 2014. Please remind your child to bring his or her library book(s) before the deadline.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.

Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian

A Letter for Grade 3B

salamun alaykum,

Today 3B received a response letter from the office of the Prime Minister. If you'll recall we sent letters away during Earth Week sharing our ideas about the environment.

The students and myself both enjoyed hearing the response.

Monday, 26 May 2014

May 26th Update

salamun alaykum,

Topics for the week

This week we are focusing mostly on reviewing grammar topics (e.g. prefix, suffix, root word, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and articles) and comprehension skills.

The children are revisiting word problems and strategies for finding their solutions.

We have been talking about al Isra wal Miraj, and are linking it with a bit of learning a little about our solar system/universe. I added the topic of the universe for the students to gain an appreciation of the 7 heavens (the lowest of which is affixed with stars/lamps).


This Thursday May 29th 2:30-3:30 is the Grade 3&4 Town Hall

June 3, 4, 5 are our EQAO testing days.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Salamun alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

I have shared two online resources that will be available for the children to review and practice the concepts we have covered over the course of the year.

Language: www.literacyplanet.com

Math: www.tenmarks.com

Let me know if you need a reminder of any logins/passwords in shaa Allah.

Both sites have a huge selection of topics opened/assigned for the kids to practice over the next 30 days in shaa Allah. It is not important what order the children choose to work on them, and it is good practice for the students to reflect and decide for themselves what they feel they need to improve upon (it can be difficult at first getting the answer out of them, but it's worth it in the long run in shaa Allah).

Current classwork topics:

Science: We are still focused on natural disasters and the last of our work on structures.

Math: We are experimenting with capacity in the classroom.

Language: I am reviewing the importance of answering written questions in full sentences and with proper capital letters and punctuation. This is a key skill they need to practice for EQAO.

Friday, 16 May 2014

May 16 update

salamun alaykum wa rahmatullah,

Here are some of the topics we have been covering  over the last week.

Math: We introduced the concept of capacity. We have worked on a capacity booklet and activities in class, but I hope to send home the children with a small activity either this weekend or next week.

Science/Language: We have been doing lots of learning about Natural Disasters and using the topic for our writing in class. We have learned about a number of different types of disasters, how they effect the environment and peoples lives.

Islamic: We have been covering Qadr, Manners, and Isra wal Miraj is our next topic in shaa Allah.

Enjoy your long weekend!

French Update

May 14, 2014
French Updates
·       We are almost finishing the story “Le Chat et la Lune” as well as the school year Subhana Allah. The time just flies by. We did the following activities:
Ø  Practicing orally the vocabulary
Ø  Listening to the story
Ø  Reading the story very fast
Ø  Watching the play
Ø  Completing the writing activities “Les mots en ordre” and “Les questions totales”.

·       On Tuesday, May 20, 2014, we are having the third test of this term.
The test has 3 sections:
-        Dictée #6
-        Les questions totales related to the story
-        Listening  activity related to the story

Spelling vocabulary list , Dictée # 5:
1)     Ouvre,       ferme
2)      Prend,       donne 
3)     Va,              vient
4)     Grand,         petit
5)     Bien,             mal 
6)     Se lève,        s’assoit  
7)     Joue,            travaille

·       In class, we are working all the time on our vocabulary and oral reading. We focus on our pronunciation, fluency and expression.
·       We are working on “Les questions partielles”.
·       We will have the last test first week of June and before the EQAO. This last test will not have the spelling component.
·       We will be writing the story in our own words and presenting the play. This 2 activities will be done in class Insha’a Allah.

Amina Ould-brahim, OCT, PhD
French teacher and Science Coordinator

Friday, 2 May 2014

May 2

salamun alaykum,

This weekend the students should work on completing the EQAO booklet that was started in class.
Ten Marks Assignments

Write 2 reviews (review 1 book about an insect, and 1 book of your choice).
Remind the children to include the 3 Steps: Introduction, Opinion and favourite part so far. Explain., recommendation (would you suggest it for others to read? Why/why not?)

Tr. Amal
أولياء الأمور الكرام 

سيكون يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 6-5 اختبار قراءة  كتابة في درسي ( مغامرة فأر ) و ( الثعلب الماكر )

اسئلة - معاني كلمات - صح أو خطأ - ترتيب الجمل.

المدرسة: امل الجلاد

Ayat 35-40 of al mursalat should be practiced until next Friday in shaa Allah

Book orders for scholastic are due by May 6th