Friday, 16 May 2014

French Update

May 14, 2014
French Updates
·       We are almost finishing the story “Le Chat et la Lune” as well as the school year Subhana Allah. The time just flies by. We did the following activities:
Ø  Practicing orally the vocabulary
Ø  Listening to the story
Ø  Reading the story very fast
Ø  Watching the play
Ø  Completing the writing activities “Les mots en ordre” and “Les questions totales”.

·       On Tuesday, May 20, 2014, we are having the third test of this term.
The test has 3 sections:
-        Dictée #6
-        Les questions totales related to the story
-        Listening  activity related to the story

Spelling vocabulary list , Dictée # 5:
1)     Ouvre,       ferme
2)      Prend,       donne 
3)     Va,              vient
4)     Grand,         petit
5)     Bien,             mal 
6)     Se lève,        s’assoit  
7)     Joue,            travaille

·       In class, we are working all the time on our vocabulary and oral reading. We focus on our pronunciation, fluency and expression.
·       We are working on “Les questions partielles”.
·       We will have the last test first week of June and before the EQAO. This last test will not have the spelling component.
·       We will be writing the story in our own words and presenting the play. This 2 activities will be done in class Insha’a Allah.

Amina Ould-brahim, OCT, PhD
French teacher and Science Coordinator