Friday, 29 November 2013

Quran Update from Tr. Samia

Dear parents

Alhamdulillah by the beginning of  December, we have finished Surat Abasa, and we had a test on it. We have started Surat Annaziat. Please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia

Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month 
  3A                                                                3B
1.Muneeb.                                                   1. Dana.
2.Najib.                                                         2.Maryam J     
3.Sumaiya L.                                               3.Omar.
4.Sondus.                                                     4.Maemonah.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.

Monday, 25 November 2013

November 25

as salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,


I will be sending a series of multiplication sheets home with the students today or tomorrow that are to be completed for Friday in shaa Allah.


Please make sure that your child has a chapter book (i.e. novel) to read at home. Take them to the Public Library to pick out at least 2 or 3 books they think look interesting to read. I will be sending home weekly reading activities for the students to complete with their chapter books in the coming weeks.

More updates coming soon!!!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Doubling practice questions


Answer the following questions:

1)  34
    x 5

2)  19
    x 3

3)  26
    x 4

4) 54 x 2 =


Double your answers from PART 1!


Example -
[PART 1: original question with answer]             4      or        4 x 4 = 16
                                                                          x 4
[PART 2: double the answer]      16         
                                                  x 2                 or            16 x 2 = ____

Additional varieties of multiplication strategies

as salamu alaykum,

click the link below to view a PDF I thought I would share. It outlines a few additional techniques (along with some of the strategies I have spoken to the class about) for multiplying:

Monday, 18 November 2013

Week of November 18

as salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Language: students are working on the steps of story writing and planning.

Today we organized nouns and verbs into characters, settings, and main events.
Tomorrow we will work on organizing our stories into logical order of Beginning, Middle, End.

Stories should be approximately 1 page in length and will be worked on in class and at home.

Spelling Words (week 8 test this week)

Math: Students will continue working on their weekly timestable tests (this week is the 8x tables).

In class we are beginning to learn about measuring. Students were sent home tonight with the task of estimating/measuring lengths of 7 objects.

Progress reports are on the way, but I wanted to thank you all for your support and effort with your children.

JazakumAllahu khayran

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Steps of Salat

as salamu alaykum,

Below are snapshots that I have uploaded to reduce wear and tear on our islamic textbooks.

The children will be tested on the "steps of salat" based on the content of these pages. Tell them to practice each step (incl. as-salat-ul-Ibraheemiyyah and dua'a Al-Istifah) in their daily salat as practice for next week in shaa Allah.

jazakumAllahu khayran

Monday, 11 November 2013

City Project

City project due in class Nov 21, 2013!!!!

as salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,

3B students will have some time in class, but should also work on the project at home to complete the buildings and structures for their city over the next two weeks.

NOTE: Each social studies lesson in the next two weeks will include a time where the students can ask questions or talk about issues they are having. By speaking about their progress and problems the children will learn from each other.

What I'm looking for:

- Use a variety of material (plastic, card, paper, tape, glue, recycled containers, paint, markers, etc.)

- Shows understanding of city zones (i.e. commercial, natural, industrial, residential).

- use artistic skills,creativity, and problem solving to put together their own personal model city.

- Students will be asked to explain their city, and the building process in brief to the class.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Multiplication practice

as salamu alaykum,

here is a link to some activities for practicing multiplication:

The link above takes you to an activity about multiplication with "carrying over", however, the students can also scroll down to the "Related Links" near the bottom for other multiplication topics

Reading Duotang

As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,

The students were given a target today to try and complete 10 chapter summaries. There is no time limit to this target, but the incentive for them to complete it is that when they have completed 10 chapter summaries from a chapter book they read at home they are rewarded with a small prize or sweet treat (e.g. candy or chocolate).

I will be sending the children home with a blank table to fill out when a chapter summary is completed. Parents are required to sign for each finished summary for them to be counted. Please encourage them to read as much as possible at home. Take the children to the library and set up an account for them there so they can practice their library skills and gain a love of reading in shaa Allah.

- Children read chapter books at home
- Children write 10 chapter summaries on chapters of their choice
- Children collect summaries in their "Reading Duotang"

- Parents encourage reading at home (e.g. listening to/helping them read for a minute or two)
- Parents facilitate visits to the Public Library
(here's a map of locations:
- Parents sign to acknowledge completed summaries

Happy reading!

Wudoo' steps and dua'a from textbook

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Message from Tr. Amal (Arabic teacher)

السادة الكرام / أولياء أمور التلاميذ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أنهينا بفضل الله وتعاونكم الستمر المثمر الوحدة الثانية (الحياة المدرسية ) فراءة  ومناقشة اللتدريبات الصفية 

والأنشطة المختلفة التابعة للدروس  وسيكون هناك اختبار شامل لجميع المهارات (أسئلة - مفردات - تكوين كلمات - اختيار الإجابة 

الصحيحة.. .... وإملاء وخط ) وسوف أحدد ذلك لاحقا مع التلاميذ وأعلمكم بالأمر  وبعدها بإذن الله سنبدأ بالوحدة التالية  ( الأسرة )

تهانينا لكم بالعام الهجري الجديد وجزاكم الله خبرا

المدرسة : أمل

Monday, 4 November 2013

Week of Nov 4


1)multiplication worksheets: Yummy (no carrying) and Berry-Good (carrying)

2)Practice 6x tables


1)Edit chapter summary
- add 3-4 adjectives (words describing nouns)
- check for spelling mistakes
- make sure I included good details (about characters and key events)

2) Practice week 6 spelling words

3) Read your chapter book. did you finish all the chapters yet?

Practice (first 2 min. only) Maher Zain nasheed for assembly next monday (Nov 11)
follow the link:

Social Studies:

1) Think about how you will make your buildings' foundations.

2) Find out: Why is the leaning tower of Pisa leaning?


Remember to make wudoo' (after you sleep, use the washroom, pass gas).

Practice the steps of wudoo' (Textbook pg C18)

Friday, 1 November 2013

Quran Update

Quran Update from Tr. Samia

Dear parents

Alhamdulillah by the beginning of the month of November we are halfway through Surat Abasa. We will have a test on the whole surah Insha Allah on November 25th, so please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  

Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month 
of October: 
   3A                                                                3B
1. Hanya                                                   1. Kashan
2. Maryam A.                                           2. Abdullah      
3. Mohamed I.                                          3. Esma

French Update

Inline image 1

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

In French we are learning many new vocabulary and Masha'a Allah,students are working very well.We talked about our new story " Les Trois Petits Cochons"  and I read it to the class with a lot of gestures and expression. Students enjoyed the story retelling and the majority of them understood it.

The next week Insha'a Allah we will carry on our oral activities such as drilling the vocabulary and gesturing and saying the story. Once the students know orally the story we start the reading.

On Monday October 28, students wrote the spelling words in their agenda and were given also an activity sheet to help them practice the vocabulary for the coming test.

This  Monday, November 4th, 2013, students will have the second test in French Insha'a Allah.

The test has 2 components: dictation (students have the vocabulary since Monday, October 28th),  vocabulary related to school supplies (we practiced the vocabulary in class and students were given homework ). 

Inline image 3

 For any question, please feel free to send me an email or to give a call.

Jazakum Allah Kheiran for your support.

Amina Ould-brahim, OCT, PhD
French teacher and Science Coordinator