AA dear parents,
Your kid will go home today with an EQAO practice booklet. I have printed the exercises that cover the three strands we have already seen in class (Patterns, Addition and subtraction, and place value). I have crossed some exercises, the kids are asked not to do them, since we haven't studied them yet.
Have a nice and restful winter break in sha'Allah.
Jazakum Allah khairan
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Arabic Update, Tr. Amal
أولياء الأمور الكرام السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
تحية طيبة وبعد,
انتهز هذه الفرصة لأرسل لكم عظيم شكرنا لجهودكم المبذولة في النهوض بمستوى أبنائنا التعليمي , قراءة وكتابة
ولولا هذه الجهود لما وصلنا إلى هذه المستوى كما أننا نتطلع دائما إلى مساعدتكم في الفترة المقبلة إن شاء الله.
أخبركم بأنني سوف أرسل مع كل تلميذ قصة قصيرة لقراءتها بمساعدتكم لقضاء دقائق معدودة مع اللغة العربية والاستمتاع بألفاظها.
وأخيرا أتمنى لكم قضاء إجازة سعيدة إن شاء لله
المدرسة أمل
Language: Tiger and the big Wind - FABLE
AA Parents,
Students all have this fable. They are required to practice their lines - as they will be presenting "Reader's Theatre."
Students all have this fable. They are required to practice their lines - as they will be presenting "Reader's Theatre."
Tiger and the Big Wind - a Tale from Africa
Once upon a time, long ago, a terrible drought hit the land. The rains had not come that year, and the crops were doing very badly. Without much food and water, all of the animals were very hot, very thirsty, and very hungry.
It just so happened that there was a field, and in the middle of this field was one large pear tree full of the juiciest pears you ever did see. They were big and yellow and just waiting to be picked. Unfortunately, at the base of this tree was a very mean tiger.
Tiger was greedy and selfish and refused to let anyone near the tree. He would sit all day in the shade of the pear tree and growl at anyone who came too close. He’d say, “Growr, growr, I’ll eat you up! Stay away from my tree or I’ll eat you up!
Eventually Rabbit happened by and heard what was going on. “Oh, Rabbit, what are we to do?” wailed the animals. “Tiger is so mean and won’t share the juicy pears! Oh, we are so hungry and thirsty!”
Rabbit thought about this, and being such a clever animal, he immediately devised a plan. “Come close, come close. Listen to me and I will tell you what to do.”
The next morning all of the animals secretly gathered in the forest near the field where Tiger was sleeping. All of the animals who lived on the ground, like Turtle, Elephant, Ox, and Donkey, they all stood near big hollow logs. All of the monkeys and birds who lived in the trees quietly sat in the branches and waited for Rabbit to arrive.
Soon Rabbit did show up, carrying a large, thick rope. He ran across the field and made a lot of noise. “Oh, my! Oh, my!” he shouted.
Tiger sleepily opened an eye and growled, “Why are you making so much noise, Rabbit? Can’t you see I am sleeping?”
“Tiger! You must run! A big wind is coming that will blow everyone off the earth!” Just at that moment, the animals hidden in the forest began to make a great racket.
Eagle and Stork and Owl and all the rest of the birds flapped their wings, causing the leaves to shake and twist. Elephant and Ox and Otter and Crocodile and all of the animals on the ground beat on the hollow logs and smacked the trees. They scurried around in the brush and altogether set the entire forest to swinging and swaying like it was the end of the world!
Tiger was terrified! “What do I do? What do I do?” he screamed.
“You must run,” Rabbit said. “I cannot help you now. I have to go tie the other animals down with this rope so that they do not fly off of the earth!”
“You must tie me down!” Tiger demanded. Rabbit shook his head, “But I must go help the other animals or they will all blow away! You are big and strong, you have a very good chance of escaping alive!”
“No!” Tiger roared, “You must tie me up now!”
“Very well,” Rabbit sighed. “I will tie you up now.”
And so he tied Tiger to a tree on the edge of the field. He tied the rope tight, but Tiger kept shouting, “Tighter, tighter! I don’t want to be blown off of the earth!”
When he was done, Rabbit stepped back and called for the other animals to come out of the forest.
“Look here,” he said out loud. “Look here at the one who tried to keep all of the juicy pears to himself instead of sharing them. Well, food was put on the earth for all to enjoy. Nobody has the right to be selfish with what is meant for everyone.”
And then all of the animals sat in the shade of the big pear tree and happily feasted on the delicious fruit… together.
Friday, 12 December 2014
Abraar 6th Annual Quran Competition 2014-2015
Assalaamu Alaykum
Dear Parents/Guardians
· It is with great pleasure to inform you of our 6th annual Quran Competition. The first round will be held inFebruary 2015 Inshallah. (The final round will be first week of April 2015).
· The Competition is optional and is open to all Abraar students. It will be divided into the following Grade- Surahgroups:
Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq,and Al Ikhlas. (4Suras)
Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq, Al Ikhlas, Al Masad, Annasr, Al Kawther, Al Asr, Al Feel and Quraish. (10 Suras)
Al Asr, Al Feel, Quraish, Al Kaferoon, Al Maoon, Al Homaza, Attakathor, Al Qareah, Al Adiat and Al Qadr. (10 Suras)
Al Zalzala, Atteen, Al Qadr, Al Alaq, Ashareh, Adduha, Allail, Ashams, Al Balad and Al Fajr. (10 Suras)
Al Gashia, Al Alla, Al Bayyana, Attariq, Al Borooj,AlInshiqaaq , and Al Mutafifeen . (7Suras)
Al Mutafifeen, Al Infitar, Atakweer, Abasa, Annaziaat, Annaba Al Mursalat, and Al Insan. (8 Suras)
Al Insan, Al Qiama, Al Mudather, Al Mozzamel , Al Jinn and Nooh (6 Suras)
Al Jinn, Nooh, Al Maarej, Al Haaqa Al Qalam and Al Mulk . (6 Suras)
Al Qalam, Al Mulk, Attahreem, Attalaq, Al Monafiqoon and Attagabon. (6 Suras)
Al Hasher, Al Momtahena, Assaf, Al Jumoaah, Al Monafiqoon and Al Tagaboon. (6 Suras)
Surat Almujadalah and Surat Yaseen.
- Registration: All entries must be registered with your Quran teacher in January. This email only to inform you with the competition requirement so you can practice during the winter break.
- Judging Criteria: Students will be judged based on memorization, rules of recitation (Tajweed), voice quality, and voice clarity.
- Prizes: First and Second places in each age group will receive valuable prizes Inshallah.
- More details and information will follow and for any questions please contact Tr. Hadia on Abraar’s phone or athkatbi@abraarschool.com
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Quran Update; Tr. Ibtissam
AA parents,
This is a partial translation of Surat At-Takwir:
This is a partial translation of Surat At-Takwir:
The wild beast
The seas
The sky
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Language Update - Tr. Fatima
AA Parents,
We have completed reading Homework Hassles, and the students have successfully written a summary for each chapter.
Our class is beginning a language unit called Fables. In this unit, students explore the characteristics of fables ans the skill of retelling, which helps them to better understand what they have read. The lesson or "moral" that each each of these fables inspires students to think about themselves and others.
As students read a variety of short fables and view illustrations, they learn
Here are some ways you can support your child's learning during this unit:
We have completed reading Homework Hassles, and the students have successfully written a summary for each chapter.
Our class is beginning a language unit called Fables. In this unit, students explore the characteristics of fables ans the skill of retelling, which helps them to better understand what they have read. The lesson or "moral" that each each of these fables inspires students to think about themselves and others.
As students read a variety of short fables and view illustrations, they learn
- an understanding of the characteristics of narrative text pattern for fables
- the writing of combining sentences
- the reading strategy of retelling
- the media strategy of expressing opinions about illustrations
- the speaking strategy of using tone and volume
- word study skills including synonyms, types of sentences, present-and past tense verbs, adjectives,comparative and superlative adjectives, the "ow" sound, word endings vowel controlled by "r," may or can, homophones, and using the dictionary.
Here are some ways you can support your child's learning during this unit:
- Read a variety of fables with you child and discuss what the moral of the fables means and who you might like to share it with.
- Retell a favourite fables of yours from your childhood and ask you child to retell one of his or her favourite from this unit to you
- Make up fables with your child. Ask your child to decide who the characters will be (usually animals) and who will be the foolish or the clever, what problem the characters face, what happens in the story, and the moral that your fable will teach.
- take your child to the library or other places to hear readings or storytellers. Talk about what makes it enjoyable to listen to a storyteller.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Math/Science Update
AA dear parents,
We will be starting a new unit in sha'Allah: Adding and Subtracting with Greater Numbers.
The goals of this unit are:
We will be starting a new unit in sha'Allah: Adding and Subtracting with Greater Numbers.
The goals of this unit are:
- estimate sums and differences
- add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers
- explain how to solve addition and subtraction problems
- add and subtract with money\
You can also watch the following video: http://homeworkzone.tvokids.com/videos/addition3digitnumbers
We have covered the definitions of Structures, strong structure, Stability, buildings. We have also talked about the parts of a building. Students did a free activity, they chose a structure and built it using simple materials. They were asked to think of ways to make their structures stronger and stabler. We have also watched the following videos:
Monday, 8 December 2014
News from the French Class
Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents
Time is just flying by and winter break is
already at the door.
So far we are working on our daily
vocabulary related to weather and winter clothing, using it in sentences,
questions and answers. Al Hamdulillah, students can describe winter outfit for
We are still working on our first story
“Les Trois Petits Cochons”. We finished the second reading comprehension activity related to the
story “Les mots en ordre”.
Tuesday, December 9, we are having the 2st French
test: spelling , les mots en ordre and vocabulary.
The spelling list for Tuesday
Je joue
Il marche
Elle court vite.
Tu mange une pomme.
Il lit l’histoire.
vocabulary comprehension section is related to the daily vocabulary we drill in
class and students are familiar with this
activity. Les mots en ordre are related to the story. We did the same activity
in class and corrected each sentence.
Jazakum Allah Kheiran for
your cooperation and your support.
Dr Amina Ould-brahim,
French teacher
Science coordinator
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Math test
AA dear parents,
Your kid took home the end of chapter review in his/her math duo-tang. Please make sure that he/she brings it back to class.
We'll have a math test next Thursday in sha'Allah. The test covers the whole chapter: adding and subtracting two-digit numbers.
Have a restful weekend in sha'Allah
Your kid took home the end of chapter review in his/her math duo-tang. Please make sure that he/she brings it back to class.
We'll have a math test next Thursday in sha'Allah. The test covers the whole chapter: adding and subtracting two-digit numbers.
Have a restful weekend in sha'Allah
Friday, 5 December 2014
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Please sign tests
AA dear parents,
Students took their math, science, and Islamic. St tests and quizzes home. Can you please sign them. Students are asked to bring the tests back to class.
PS: Your kid will have a Salah Log to be filled in during the week starting from tomorrow; Friday 12/5/2014 in sha'Allah. Kindly sign your kid's log at the end of the week and send it back next Thursday in sha'Allah. After 3 weeks students who prayed and signed their logs will be given a certificate.
Jazakom Allah khairan
Students took their math, science, and Islamic. St tests and quizzes home. Can you please sign them. Students are asked to bring the tests back to class.
PS: Your kid will have a Salah Log to be filled in during the week starting from tomorrow; Friday 12/5/2014 in sha'Allah. Kindly sign your kid's log at the end of the week and send it back next Thursday in sha'Allah. After 3 weeks students who prayed and signed their logs will be given a certificate.
Jazakom Allah khairan
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Book Fair
AA dear parents,
We are going to the book fair on Friday in shaa'Allah. Students took the flyers yesterday.

We are going to the book fair on Friday in shaa'Allah. Students took the flyers yesterday.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Islamic St update
AA dear parents,
We've been reading and talking about Salah, and Khushoo'. Students are going home with their Islamic Studies binders to review the last booklet Al-Salah. Tomorrow in sha'Allah, they'll have a short pop quiz about it.
We've been reading and talking about Salah, and Khushoo'. Students are going home with their Islamic Studies binders to review the last booklet Al-Salah. Tomorrow in sha'Allah, they'll have a short pop quiz about it.
Math H.W due this Thursday
AA dear parents,
Math H.W due this Thursday, December 4th, 2014: Workbook p 30, 31, and 32.
Math H.W due this Thursday, December 4th, 2014: Workbook p 30, 31, and 32.
Monday, 1 December 2014
AA Parents,
Please help your child go online or look in a newspaper to find an article about a Sports Event! It could be about any sport that has been reported about. Please print it out - or cut it out and bring it in for this WEDNESDAY.
You can Google "sports news" and choose to print something from there.
Thank you!
Please help your child go online or look in a newspaper to find an article about a Sports Event! It could be about any sport that has been reported about. Please print it out - or cut it out and bring it in for this WEDNESDAY.
You can Google "sports news" and choose to print something from there.
Thank you!
Social Studies Update
AA Parents !
In grade 3 we are reviewing mapping skills, by learning to recognize provinces and territories of Canada, and their capitals. Grade 3 will be working on a unit called Living and Working in Ontario. Students will be making comparisons to their own lives. Assessment will be based on a variety of tools including, collaborative group work, quizzes, projects, participation, and completion of
assigned tasks within designated time frames.
In grade 3 we are reviewing mapping skills, by learning to recognize provinces and territories of Canada, and their capitals. Grade 3 will be working on a unit called Living and Working in Ontario. Students will be making comparisons to their own lives. Assessment will be based on a variety of tools including, collaborative group work, quizzes, projects, participation, and completion of
assigned tasks within designated time frames.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Math Homework
Assalamu Alaykom dear parents,
We have been working on mental math strategies to add and subtract. So far we have seen the following strategies:
Math H.W for Monday December 1: Workbook p 29
For further practice visit the following please:
Jazakom Allah khairan,
Tr. Hajer
We have been working on mental math strategies to add and subtract. So far we have seen the following strategies:
- The break down to 10 strategy: you can make your kid watch the video below to reinforce it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAtC-7_Ijqg
- The make 10 strategy:
- Use relationship between addition and subtraction:
Math H.W for Monday December 1: Workbook p 29
For further practice visit the following please:
Jazakom Allah khairan,
Tr. Hajer
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Math HW
AA dear parents,
HW p 28 math workbook + home connection (the same page) For tomorrow (11/28/2014)
HW p 28 math workbook + home connection (the same page) For tomorrow (11/28/2014)
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Language Update - Tr. Fatima
AA Parents,
Aside from the reading and writing activities (summary writing, topic sentence and supporting sentences) we have been doing in class about "Homework Hassles." We have been also practicing and reviewing our Nouns (common and proper nouns), Plural and Singular Nouns - when to add -s or -es - when to add just -s or drop the -y and then add -ies. We have also looked at Verbs - when to add -ed or when to drop the -e and add -ing (for example shine, drop -e add -ing to make shining).
spell check game
More practice will proper and common nouns
JAK for all of your support at home
REPOST - Improve Writing
As Salam Alaikum Parents,
I received a lot of requests regarding writing strategies to help your child improve. The best way to improve your child’s writing is to have them write more. I was reading an article online called “Put it to Paper: Tips for Parents to Improve a Child’s Writing Skills" by Audrey W. Prince, and she has a lot of great writing ideas that can be implemented in the family home from day to day. Here are a few ideas I took from the article and would like to share with you. The activities are quick and easy that students deem as fun and not as a chore.
Send a Message - Frequently leave notes on pillows, desks, mirrors, wherever. Have yourchild write you a note in return. A family chalkboard or message board is a great tool forencouraging your child to write messages.
Send a Message - Frequently leave notes on pillows, desks, mirrors, wherever. Have yourchild write you a note in return. A family chalkboard or message board is a great tool forencouraging your child to write messages.
Letters - Make letter writing a habit for your child. Have your child write letters to family and
“Year in Review” Notebook - Keep an ongoing record of your family’s life. Every family member can add to your family’s story. Include important events that happen during the year. On New Year’s Eve, sit down and read through your “Year in Review” and start a notebook for the next year. To add to your story, include family photos whenever possible.
Postcards - Have your child write and mail postcards on family vacations or special outings.
Say “Thank You” - Let your child get in the habit of writing “Thank You” notes for gifts or whenever it is appropriate to do so.
Journals – As a gift, give your child a special journal. Encourage your child to
write in his/her journal as often as possible.
Make a Menu - Let your child design and write the menu for a family dinner. This is a great activity that will keep a child busy while mom or dad is cooking. If some of the words are difficult, write them down on a separate sheet of paper for the child to copy.
Be Creative - Encourage your child to write and perform skits or puppet shows. Set aside time for other family members to see the performance.
Travel log - When you go on vacations, trips, or special outings, have your child record new sights and experiences from his/her journey.
Copy - If your child likes a particular song (nasheed), have him/her copy
the lyrics. Children can also copy their favorite poem, quotation, or short book. encourageneatness for legibility.
InshAllah these activities will help your child’s writing and keep you updated on their progress. Make sure to encourage your child and focus on the content and understanding at first rather than the grammar and punctuation. It also creates a bonding experience among the family which is truly valuable at most JazakAllah-Khairan for your support and I truly hope you try a few of these activities.
Prince, A. (2008). Put It to Paper: Tips for Parents to Improve a Child’s Writing Skills, 148, 1-3. Retrieved October 16, 2014, from http://www.superduperinc.com/ handouts/pdf/148_Improving Writing Skills.pdf
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
AA dear parents,
This is just a friendly reminder that students will have a science test tomorrow in sha'Allah. The test will cover only the first unit: Forces. Students took home their science duo-tangs to review for the test. At the end of the first unit, there is one page for the test review. You can also go through the major concepts with your kids.
Students also took home another document. It is a good help for parents since it covers the math curriculum expectations for grade 3. It also has so many examples of the math language students are expected to use while explaining their math work.
Your cooperation is highly appreciated,
Science new unit: Strong and Stable Structures
AA dear parents,
The third graders have just started a new unit: strong and Stable structures.

At the end of this unit students will be able to: - identify the importance of form, function, strength and stability in structures over time
- determine what factors make a structure stronger and more stable (e.g., building materials, shapes used in framework, width of base etc.)
- identify the strength of a structure based on its ability to hold a load and withstand forces
- identify the stability of a structure based on its ability to maintain balance and stay in one spot.
- describe how materials can be changed to increase their strength (by folding, changing its shape, etc.)
- describe ways different forces affect a structure's shape, balance, position (e.g load can cause cardboard to buckle)
- use appropriate vocabulary to describe structures and forces acting upon them (e.g., compression, tension, load, struts, ties, etc.)
- investigate how certain materials can be used to strengthen structures (e.g., identify the purpose of struts and ties in structures bearing a load)
- demonstrate understanding and apply knowledge of strong and stable structures by building their own structures.
Monday, 24 November 2014
Math new Chapter Addition and Subtraction
AA dear parents,
Over the next couple of weeks, your child will be learning about addition and subtraction. We will relate subtraction to addition, use mental math, estimate and add and subtract to 2-digit numbers. We will be using a variety of strategies and the goal will be for your child to be able to apply a strategy to any task at hand.
Throughout this time, you and your child can practice some activities such as the following:
Over the next couple of weeks, your child will be learning about addition and subtraction. We will relate subtraction to addition, use mental math, estimate and add and subtract to 2-digit numbers. We will be using a variety of strategies and the goal will be for your child to be able to apply a strategy to any task at hand.
Throughout this time, you and your child can practice some activities such as the following:
- Your child could place different numbers of items on a chair and on the floor, then write or tell you all the fact family sentences about each situation. For example, 7 toys on the floor and 6 toys on a chair has the fact family 7+6=13, 6+7=13, 13-7=6, and 13-6=7.
- your child can examine game boards to find ones where strategies for adding and/or subtracting can be readily applied rather than always counting.
- your chid might act out a stair-climbing problem. For example, if you take 3 steps up and 1 step back, how many steps will you take to get to the top of the stairs?
- your child could measure stuffed animals and other toys. Then, estimate how much space 2 or 3 of them would take if placed end to end and how much space would be left on a 100 cm shelf if different toys were placed on the shelf.
- Your child might set up a penny sale, giving various items prices less than $1. Then they can find the cost of different pairs of items.
- Your child could look up basketball scores in a newspaper and show you how to find the difference between winning and losing teams' scores.
You may want to visit the Nelson Web Site at www.mathk8.nelson.com for more suggestions to help your child learn mathematics and develop a positive attitude toward learning mathematics, and for books that relate children's literature to addition and subtraction. Also check the Web Site for links to other sites that provide online tutorials, math problems, and brainteasers.
Tr. Hajer
Islamic St Update
AA Parents,
We have discussed and practiced the steps of Wudoo. We have also done some activities to practice making Wudoo the perfect way. Staudents are encouraged to shw you the steps of wudoo and talk about them. We will be doing a Wudoo workshop very soon in sha'Allah
We will also learn ways to perfect our prayers. I will in sha'Allah bring different ayas and hadiths that encourage people to pray in a perfect way. Can you please make sure that your kid makes wudoo and prays the perfect way.
JAK for all of your support.
We have discussed and practiced the steps of Wudoo. We have also done some activities to practice making Wudoo the perfect way. Staudents are encouraged to shw you the steps of wudoo and talk about them. We will be doing a Wudoo workshop very soon in sha'Allah
We will also learn ways to perfect our prayers. I will in sha'Allah bring different ayas and hadiths that encourage people to pray in a perfect way. Can you please make sure that your kid makes wudoo and prays the perfect way.
JAK for all of your support.
Arabic Update Tr. Amal
أولياء الأمور الكرام / السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أنهينا درسي القراءة عليك أن تنظم وقفتك , مرحبا بك يا جدي. وسيكون هناك اختبار كتابي يوم الخميس - والأربعاء 26 / 27
أسئلة معاني مفردات ملء الفراغ كون جملة رتب الكلمات لتكون جملة مفيدة .
سيكون هناك مراجعة شاملة قبل الاختبار
أما بخصوص مشروع الخريف سيكون موعد تسليمه الجمعة 28 وسكون التقويم كالاتي:
الترتيب -- الخط الواضح - الصورالمناسبة - وتقديم المشروع أمام الفصل
شكرا جزيلا لتعاونكم
المدرسة أمل
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