Wednesday, 16 April 2014


salamun alaykum,

thank you again for all your support and hard work.

The students are moving on from fractions and starting to look at probability/likelihood. We even got to use our knowledge of tally charts today to collect data from some probability experiments.

The students have been working on including openers that indicate time changes in their writing (e.g. Firstly, Next, Then, Lastly, Finally, Afterwards)

We have also worked on different writing styles (i.e. play/movie scripts).

We have continued our exploration of structures to bridges. This will lead us into talks about forces (e.g. gravity, tension), and eventually tie into the topic of mass in math in shaa Allah.


Masha Allah the kids have been making big efforts in their writing, reading, spelling, and math work. It's starting to show more in their practice tests and daily work.

This week I will send home another EQAO package to practice over the long weekend, and we worked on a reading section today in class.