Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Salamun alaykum,

Here is some info on what we are working on in class this week.


Bridges, structures, and forces.
We had the children take their learning from the skyscraper project to begin  constructing bridges. We have covered how forces act on bridges, and architectural features that can help bridges be strong.


We talked about probability of events (unlikely, most likely) and related it today with the scientific method (i.e. experimentation).

Tied with our learning about bridges we are also going to look at measuring mass/ weight. This will help us review conversion of metric units, better understand why bridges need to be very strong, and learn more about forces.


We are working this week on writing using different sources of inspiration. Yesterday we wrote a bit about our environment after looking at some pollution pictures for Earth Day.

Thank you as always for all your help and support. We're getting closer to the end of the year now, and it is very important that we continue our best efforts to help the children achieve their best in shaa Allah.