EQAO 2014-2015
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Your child will be participating in the Education Quality and Accountability Office’s (EQAO’s) Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, in the Grade 3/6 Division. The test dates are May 27, 28, 29 and June 1, 2, and 3. Please ensure students come to school on those days and arrive on time.
In six one-hour sessions, students will complete a variety of assessment activities designed to allow them to demonstrate their skills and knowledge relating to reading, writing and mathematics as described in The Ontario Curriculum. There will be 1 session per day. The assessment is administered province-wide and is developed by Ontario teachers and assessment experts to reflect curriculum expectations.
EQAO has developed a “Parent’s Guide to EQAO Tests” and “Questions and Answers for Parents” (available in 20 languages) to give you more information about the assessments and an understanding of what to expect. To access these resources, go to the EQAO Web site (www.eqao.com), click “Parent Resources” and then select “Primary Division (Grades 1–3) and Junior Division (Grades 4–6).”
Attached is a ‘Snack Form’ for the classes, please fill it out if you are interested in providing snacks for the day. If you have any questions, please contact the school or your child’s teacher.
EQAO Snack Letter
Dear Parents or Guardians:
We would like to provide nutritious snacks for the students, before/after they began to write the tests. If you are able to assist, please complete the form below indicating the date you can provide a snack. The type of snack has already been suggested to help provide a variety. Snacks need to be dropped off at the school by 8:25 am with the name of your child’s teacher on it. You are not required to remain at the school and distribute the snacks. The teachers will take care of this.
Jazakum Allah Khair in advance for your support!
Please complete and return to the school before May 22nd, 2015.
Please select the snack listed and one of the EQAO dates listed below:
Note: please bring enough snacks for 27 children (Grade 3) and 20 children (Grade 6). Snacks should be dropped off by 8:25am at the school office, with your child’s teacher’s name on it. Peanut-free snacks only please.
_______ Veggies and dip
_______ Fruit Slices (e.g. apples, berries, watermelon, cantaloupe)
_______ Bagels and Cheese (cut up into quarters)
_______ Granola bars
_______ Cheese and crackers
_______ Mini muffins
_______ Yogurt cups
_______ Fruit slices
Please select one date:
_______May 27 _______ May 28 _______May 29
_______June 1 _______June 2 _______June 3
Child’s name: _________________________________ Class: ___________________
Teacher’s name: ______________________________
Thank you very much for your support during EQAO!