Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Week 13: Updates, homework reminders, and news

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahamatu Allah wa Barakatuh, dear parents,

Many good things are happening  during Week 13 and students continue to learn and enjoy their school activities. Here are few highlights:


In Language Arts, students have learned to use suffixes (-ful, -ness, -fy, -less, and –ian).Students also continue their readings about Early-days menus and a visit to the General store. Reading strategies include encouraging students to deduce facts and speak about them based on illustrations, the title and headings, and their prior knowledge about pioneers’ daily life.

In social studies, students are learning about nutrition in the pioneers’ era, such as what they used to have for breakfast, school lunches, and family dinners. Students will also peek into the early pioneers’ jobs, starting with the general storekeeper.

In Islamic studies, we are revising  Units 1 and 2 which dealt with the pillars of Islam and pilgrimage.

And in Arts, students spent  memorable moments crafting images, using an assemblage of small pieces cut of coloured paper.


By now, you have probably seen the five-page story that was sent today with your child Brave as a Mountain Lion. For this reading and writing project, your child is requested to read the story to you and with you, and for that I kindly request your collaboration.

On Monday, December 3rd, your child must return the project to the classroom. The project assessment will begin by testing students on their reading skills; then by asking them to respond to text comprehension questions before they start working on their own stories in class.

Please continue to actively work with your child on the spelling daily exercises. The spelling list review for Week 13 is due on Thursday November 29th, 2012.

In reading comprehension, students continue “Practice Makes Perfect” and they have to read pages 12 and 13 ( due  Thursday, November 29th, 2012).

§  Students’ play performance will take place on December 14th at 1.30 pm. Please join us in big numbers and a BIG THANK YOU to those who have confirmed their participation and attendance.
§  A swimming session is scheduled on December 13th. Please send a labelled towel and the necessary clothing with your child. We are always looking for great helpers; please let us know if you are able to volunteer.
§  I sincerely look forward to seeing on the Parents’ Meeting Night: Friday November 30th, 2012. See you all then!!
Jazakoum Allah Khayran 

Grade 8 Graduation Chocolate Sale

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Students and Parents,

The grade 8 students will be selling chocolates in an effort to fundraise for their graduation. We will be selling boxes of chocolate during snack and lunch times. The chocolates are nut-free and come in a variety of flavours. The price is $2.50 per box. Please send exact change. The chocolates will be sold every Wednesday insha Allah. We are very grateful for your generosity and support!
What: Chocolate!

When: Every Wednesday at Snack and Lunch recess
Where: Abraar School Gym

Jazakum Allahu khayran,

Saturday, 24 November 2012

From T. Amal , the Arabic teacher

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

انتهينا من درس (مرحبا بك يا جدي) قراءة وفهما واستيعابا . أما في القواعد فقد  بدأنا بشرح  أقسام الكلام ،وأنواع الجملة (مفيدة وغير مفيدة)

سيكون هناك امتحان قراءة كتابي في درس (عليك أن تنظم وقتك) أسئلة - معاني مفردات - ترتيب جمل - وتعبير عن بعض المشاهد.

سأقوم بمراجعة الدرس مع التلاميذ يوم الاثنين الموافق 26 نوفمبر . سوف يكون الامتحان يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 27 نوفمبر أريد مساعدتكم وشكرا

Monday, 19 November 2012

Updates – preview( week 12) & reminders

Dear parents, (3 A & 3 B )

*    Language : homophones ( Game :matching pairs of homophones & handout )
*    Reading   :  We learnt a text entitled “What’s for Dinner?”? Written by Derek Antel and illustrated by Andrew Tong. We did predictions from the title-illustrations-headings. Then, students confirmed or revised their predictions after reading aloud the parts of the story. We also described the characteristics of the main character and connected his experience with the students’ one.
*    Social Studies: We learnt about how pioneers used to preserve and store food. Then we compared this with modern times.
Preview :
*    More practice on context clues
*    Revision of irregular plurals &plurals with ies &ys.
*    Another reading related with pioneers “ Early settler Menu “
*    Communicating skills : Homophones pages 93-96 & synonyms page 43 done as a classwork and completed  at home  if  necessary
*    Spelling book (lesson 3)
*    Writing : suspense writing prompts
*    Islamic studies : Ibadat
*    Arts : Cutting a dinosaur and putting its parts together

*    A spelling test next Friday  on irregular plurals-2 sentences containing words from the spelling weekly lists from week 6 to week 11- capitalization-plurals with ys & ies.
*    Dramatic Performance: Insha’Allah next week, you will be receiving invitations to the play that will be held in the gym. I need your cooperation to encourage your child to memorize and rehearse his/her role. More precision about the exact date, timing and things I need for the decoration/accessories will come next week Insha’Allah.
*    The summative project is almost ready. It assesses your child’s   reading fluency, reading comprehension and writing. Your child will hand you a letter next Thursday explaining the detailed outline and the requirements of this End-of Term project.  In brief, the project is a booklet containing an eight-page story (A story of bravery) .Your child should read a part of it (fluency). Then, he/she should answer the comprehension questions. After, your child should write a composition about a fictional pioneer character who was brave enough to make a better life in Upper Canada. The writing should follow the process of writing (web- first draft- revision and editing – The final draft). This project will take about 3 or 4 weeks to be done.
        Finally ,based upon  my  on-going  assessment of the fable (presentation+ writing ) and  my  daily assessment of reading fluency , I expect that your child is willing to do his/her best in the next project Insha’Allah. I really thank him/her for his/her efforts and above all for your precious cooperation to achieve your child’s potential.
Jazakoum Allah Khayran 

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Anti -bullying project & swimming today

Many special thanks to all the students who participated actively in this awareness campaign . Our second visit to the swimming pool was also more enjoyable than the first time . All the kids now are starting to get used to water . Next time Insha Allah  I will be joining  my kids in the pool . 

Have a wonderful weekend 
Jazakoum Allah Khayran 

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

A message from Quran teacher

Alhamdullah we finished reciting and memorizing surat Attakweer. We will have a test on all of the surah on Monday November 19th Insha Allah ,this test will be on Tajweed rules ,reading rules and memorization of the whole surah .I will send a Quran rubric of this test with your child  Insha Allah ,so please sign it and send it back. To practice the surah with your child please  use this website and go to Sheik Ibrahim Alakhadar: http://quran.ksu.edu.sa  

Blue Thursday tomorrow : Beat Bullying !!!!!

Dear parents ,

    Since Monday , we have taken the opportunity to discuss the types of bullying (verbal, physical,indirect,cyber bullying...) ,its negative effects on victims and the ways to stand up against it. We watched different videos ( cartoons-real life witnesses-anti-bullying campaign ). This afternoon ,we finished the bulletin board project Alhamdullilah . Three groups cut and colored angry,sad and happy smileys. You can come and watch their blue poster in front of room 106. Tomorrow inshAllah the kids will wear blue ribbons , read aloud their anti bullying pledge and sign their  anti-bullying contracts . (to be sent home ). 

    This week is only a humble  attempt to  increase our awareness against this issue .  I strongly believe that bullying is not only a school problem . It is a community problem ,too .Together ,we could continue this process of being Stand Uppers.
 Alhamdoulillah we are privileged to have the best resource ever : The Koran . It contains all what our kids need , to implement them with spiritual guidance and exemplary conduct . We can just sit beside them , share  the stories of  our Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and how he bore the bullies (kouffar ) thanks to  his wisdom and incredible patience just to get endless rewards from Allah (SWT). Tomorrow inshAllah we will share these stories in Islamic studies .
Bismilla Arrahman Arrahim  

Qur'an [49:12]
O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.
(Sadaka Allah Alathim)

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

First Field trip

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Dear parents ,
 Today's field trip to the Museum Of Science and Technology was a great success Al Hamdoulillah . We enjoyed reciting Koran ,singing and chatting in the bus. The groups were organised, respectful and involved in the experimental activities offered by the museum instructors. A great Thank you to the parents who volunteered and accepted to help . I also thank the bus driver who allowed us extra time to visit the crazy kitchen that made us all feel DIZZY !! Two students only missed the trip because they were sick . I tell them not to feel sorry and I promise another interesting trip to the PIONEER VILLAGE  insha'Allah .

Message from the Arabic teacher,Mrs Amal

  أولياء الأمور الكرام ا لسلام

 تحية طيبة وبعد ... لقد انهينا - بحمد الله وبمساعدتكم الكبيرة -  درس أيام الحج  وتم اختبار التلاميذ فيه (مشافهة وكتاية )  ولقد قام التلاميذ بمجهود كبير يشكرون عليه. والآن سنبدأ بوحدة جديدة بعنوان (مرحبا نك يا جدي ) سوف نركز على القراءة السليمة المعبرة ، معاني المفردات ، أسئلة الفهم والاستيعاب (اللغوية - النحوية - والأسلوبية ) التي توجد في الكتاب .  نريد مساعدتكم  بالقراءة مع ابنائكم كل يوم ولو 10 دقائق.شكرا لكم تعاونكم
مدرسة الصفأمل الجلاد

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Week 11 preview, reminders &news

Reading: Preview:

·        Week 11 Insha’Allah, we are learning to use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words in a text.
·        Week 12: we are going to learn decoding strategies, synonyms and antonyms, prefixes and suffixes.
Language: Do All Sentences Belong?  Communicating skills pages 58 & 59
Social studies: We will study how pioneers preserve food and churn butter
·        Tuesday Nov,13 th : The field trip to the museum of Sciences and Technology starts from 9:30 to 11:00 am
·        Wednesday &Thursday 14th&15th: We are creating an anti-bullying charter to encourage kids to keep our school safe. Please discuss with your child the bad effects of bullying and the ways we could do to beat it. The charter will be displayed on the bulletin board on Thursday Insha’Allah.
·        Homework  will be submitted  Thursday  Nov,15 th  latest  because there is no school on Friday
·        Swimming Nov, 15 th. Please remember to make your child wear his swimming suit under his/her uniform and send warm clothes (hat-gloves-scarf –coat )
·        Please encourage your child to rehearse his/her role in the dramatic performance. I will let you know when the play will be presented once I prepare the invitations to the parents.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

message from Teacher Samia ,the Quran Teacher

A message from Quran teacher (Tr. Samia)

We are about to finish Surat Attakweer  and Insha Allah we will have a test on all of the Surah when we finish it . This test will be on Tajweed rules ,reading rules and memorization of the whole Surah ,so please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheik Ibrahim Alakhadar: http://quran.ksu.edu.sa  

 Congratulation to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of October: 
1.Lina  Qaadan.
2.Lyan  Tawfiq.
3.Rama  Aldirbashi.