Reading: Preview:
Week 11 Insha’Allah,
we are learning to use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words
in a text.
Week 12:
we are going to learn decoding strategies, synonyms and antonyms, prefixes and suffixes.
Do All Sentences Belong? Communicating
skills pages 58 & 59
Social studies:
We will study how pioneers preserve food and churn butter
Nov,13 th :
The field trip to the museum of Sciences and Technology starts from 9:30 to
11:00 am
&Thursday 14th&15th: We are
creating an anti-bullying charter to encourage kids to keep our school safe.
Please discuss with your child the bad effects of bullying and the ways we
could do to beat it. The charter will be displayed on the bulletin board on Thursday
Homework will be submitted Thursday
Nov,15 th latest because there is no school on Friday
Nov, 15 th. Please remember to make your child
wear his swimming suit under his/her uniform and send warm clothes
(hat-gloves-scarf –coat )
encourage your child to rehearse his/her role in the dramatic performance. I
will let you know when the play will be presented once I prepare the
invitations to the parents.