Dear parents ,
Since Monday , we have taken the opportunity to discuss the types of bullying (verbal, physical,indirect,cyber bullying...) ,its negative effects on victims and the ways to stand up against it. We watched different videos ( cartoons-real life witnesses-anti-bullying campaign ). This afternoon ,we finished the bulletin board project Alhamdullilah . Three groups cut and colored angry,sad and happy smileys. You can come and watch their blue poster in front of room 106. Tomorrow inshAllah the kids will wear blue ribbons , read aloud their anti bullying pledge and sign their anti-bullying contracts . (to be sent home ).
This week is only a humble attempt to increase our awareness against this issue . I strongly believe that bullying is not only a school problem . It is a community problem ,too .Together ,we could continue this process of being Stand Uppers.
Alhamdoulillah we are privileged to have the best resource ever : The Koran . It contains all what our kids need , to implement them with spiritual guidance and exemplary conduct . We can just sit beside them , share the stories of our Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and how he bore the bullies (kouffar ) thanks to his wisdom and incredible patience just to get endless rewards from Allah (SWT). Tomorrow inshAllah we will share these stories in Islamic studies .
Bismilla Arrahman Arrahim
Qur'an [49:12]
O you who have believed, avoid much [negative]
assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each
other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You
would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and
Merciful.(Sadaka Allah Alathim)