as salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,
3B students are working further on their multiplication skills. On friday we did a timed test that required them to answer 100 random multiplication questions in 7-minutes. These types of speed drills are important in preparing them to be fast and accurate on the EQAO tests at the end of the year. As such we will be doing more in the coming terms.
The students have been building their measuring skills, converting between cm and mm, and calculating perimeter.
I am also having them brush up on a few more advanced multiplication concepts. knowing their timetables will help them advance to concepts like calculating area, division and converting other units (cm, m, L, mL, km).
Here is a link to information and activities about 2-digit multiplication:
In addition, click the link below to find a folder of pdf documents I would like the students to attempt over the next week.