Friday, 6 December 2013

French Update

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents
Time is just flying by and we are already in December and the winter break is at our door.
So far we are working on our daily vocabulary, using it in sentences, questions and answers. Al Hamdulillah, students are gaining more confidence in speaking French in class.
We are working on our first story “Les Trois Petits Cochons” and we have started the reading comprehension activities related to the story “Choisis le bon mot” and “Mets les mots en ordre”.
·         The majority of students finished “Choisis le bon mot”
·         We are working on “Mets les mots en ordre”
·         Tuesday, December 10, we are having the 3rd French test : spelling, Choisis le bon mot, les mots en ordre.
·         The spelling list for Tuesday is:
1.       Le père
2.       La mere
3.       Le frère
4.       La soeur
5.       Le grand-père
6.       La grand mere
7.       La famille
8.       Voici ma famille
9.       J’aime beaucoup mon père et ma mère.
·         « Choisis le bon mot » and « Les mots en ordre » are related to the story and students are familiar with both activities as we are working on them each period.
Jazakum Allah Kheiran for your cooperation and your support.

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Amina Ould-brahim, OCT, Ph.D.
French teacher
Science coordinator