Wednesday, 3 October 2012

October newsletter

Dear parents ,

    I hope this October newsletter meets you with the best faith and health . Unlike the previous  September newsletter  , this October newsletter is aimed for both third graders A&B .That is why I take this opportunity to introduce myself again. I am Teacher Sarra. I graduated from both the high college of teachers (English division) and University of Ottawa (bachelor in education-elementary division ). I previously worked in public Ottawa schools as a supply teacher and a special education teacher since I had an additional qualification in learners in needs (part 1)from U-Ottawa. I am also fluent in 3 languages : Arabic -French and English .I got 2 second language certificates in English and French from U-Ottawa and the I E L TS from the British Council . 
  Last month , I  had the pleasure to meet your children in both grades 3 A&B. Alhamdullilah the first week was used to establish routines and practice the procedures .We built the class community through many funny activities such as Brown bag it-guess who-bingo-A 4 posters ...We had and we will have insha Allah a daily pledge read aloud by kids and a message presented by Huffy (the mouse puppet that kids help to make his sentences interesting and better !!)in order to edit the language skill I need to explain . I had the pleasure to welcome you on the teachers' night .The parents who attended found out the rich print environment where your kids are learning like the word wall,the charts displaying writing strategies and the incentives that I hope create a positive motivational learning surrounding . The next  weeks ,we read a variety of texts for different purposes (inform-narrate-describe )related with Nelson Literacy (The Ontario curriculum)and Social studies curriculum  that deals  with Pioneer life in Canada (first term ). Students practiced shared reading (fluency )and connected the print text to their own lives. Oral presentation  was done through the critic's corner where the kids sit on the teacher's chair and present the book they chose reading (author-audience-type of text-main idea -3 details-appreciation ) .It is awesome how the kids like it !

Week 5&6 and may be 7 (depending on the pace of students and their achievement ,we started more specifically the unit of fables  . The students at the end of the unit should be able to write their own fables. We are working on it (story map-vocabulary lists for who-when-where-combining sentences -punctuate dialogues-statements-exclamations-adjectives-action verbs in the past ..) . Every Friday your child will be assigned a reading comprehension as homework . Please make sure that he reads to you the text aloud and that he covers the questions .Your support may be required  but be reassured that I only assign the points taught and well explained in class.  You will remark that concerning communicating skills workbook, I will assign the units that help the child write narrative texts ( past verbs-adjectives-antonyms-transition words..)
As far as assessments concerned ,your child will have    2 formal reading comprehension assessment per month and an  End of term project  where oral ,reading and writing skills are assessed through a presentation of Pioneer life in many forms : -letters-diaries-legend-fable-adventure stories  (fictional texts )

News :
  • The drama club will start next week inshaAllah . It will be once a week and during recess time from 11:35 to noon . I will tell you more about it when the group is set up .
  • A field trip to technology and science museum is being prepared for 3 A &B inshaAllah .     . With your cooperation, we want to ensure a safe and productive  learning environment for all students.As an involved parent, I ask you to find the time to provide me useful information that helps me protect your child and achieve his/her full potential.
    For any suggestion or question, please feel free to send me a note with your child or an e-mail through the school blog . I am looking forward to a great and rewarding year!! 
         Jazakoum Allah Khayran