Monday, 8 October 2012

Week 6 updates &homework assignments and news

week 6 updates :
Language :
Writing :
The writing folder will be activated with the pre-writing stage (story map of a fable ).We have already practiced that last week .So,this time this will be considered as a formative test .
For writing improvement ,we will continue working on combining long sentences (with a comma) and avoiding repetitions.
Reading : we will read another fable after putting the scrambled parts in order . Shared reading in groups will focus on fluency in reading . students  are given sections of non-punctuated fables to punctuate and recognize the importance of punctuation especially the quotation marks,the exclamation and question marks ,the period,the comma in giving a tone and voice to the text . Context clues (said-replied-called-whispered-yelled-roared-screamed ) are used to help students in punctuating and reading a printed text .
Oral communication : The critic's corner will demonstrate your child's ability to retell one of the 5 learnt fables by respecting two criteria (the sequence and the voice ).Your child uses  a cube reminding him/her  the 6 elements of a fable.
Social studies : We will learn insha Allah the steps of settlement (from clearing the land until building a house ).This will be integrated with language to focus on  transition words ( First..second--after...then ...finally )
Islamic studies : Since the Eid is coming soon and we are preparing a school project about El Hajj, we will jump to chapter 4 that deals with  Ibraheem alayhi essalam and how the holy kaabah was  being built . The kids like the book a lot .They will practice reading the stories in turns and answer the questions on the workbook.
Arts : We will start preparing the diorama of El Hajj . Kids will draw pictures of Kaaba ,Djabal Arafat,Al Medina....We will try to decorate and hope to win inshaAllah in the school competition!!!
Word wall : This time we will elicit the already learnt vocabulary not by shooting a ball in the net but by mimicking one of the 6 animals in the cube (Don't tell your child about the game .Just ask him on Friday which animal he/ she  mimicked and which word he/she guessed right !)
homework :

  • A spelling booklet  ( 5 pages for all the year  ) will be effective starting Tuesday October 9th : I need your cooperation to buy a spelling notebook for your child . You will find the instructions at the end of the booklet . Please tell your child to start with week 6 and help him follow the instructions . On my part I am going to explain explicitly this .Each  Friday ,your child has a short dictation (2 sentences ) containing the words he/she  practiced writing from Monday to Friday . (spelling lists from week 1 to week 5 will be left under your discretion during holidays .Don't let your child do them unless he likes to ,please )
  • Communicating skills (animal sounds+Nouns ) : please consult the agendas for the due dates (this depends on the pace of the students . Some students may do this in class .Others need more time to complete the tasks  at home. (please respect the pace of your child ..No rush ..we will all achieve the same thing and learn «driving» on the same road .
  • The learning center will start Insha allah  this week . It is a group of maximum 4 students who are chosen under the discretion of the teacher . Additional resources are provided to the selected students to help them read and write ( lists of words-simple sentences-videos on high frequency words and educational games to encourage them ). 
The drama club will also start . Masha Allah many would like to join . Please remember I have 2 classes and I will work on a rotational basis . The topic : pioneers -The roles (  a farmer - a doctor- a teacher-a general store keeper ,a  grist mill, a merchant,a  blacksmith, homemaker...). We need of course a narrator . Once your child informs you of his /her role ,would you please help by  providing clothes or tools . Your child will tell you our needs since we look at many picture books about the topic. 

I hope dear parents that  I gave you an exhaustive picture about what your child is going to learn on week 6 . I will not be able to write more during this week since I will be busy . Please for any question, feel free to contact me through my Abraar e-mail .You are most welcome as potential partners in developing the learning and social  abilities  of your child . If  you have time to volunteer in your child's class ,just bring your criminal record and fill in a form from VP Nouha .I am more than happy to share the pleasure of doing interesting and exciting activities in class .
jazakoum allah khayran